Our academic coaches work one-on-one with students to help them become more organized, more productive, and more efficient learners.
We collaborate with students in their pursuits to reach their academic academic goals. Our coaches work with students to teach strategies and skills to help students grow and develop their executive functions. We strive to help students become more effective and independent learners.
Executive Functions
Executive functions are a set of neurologically-based skills that help us organize, plan, prioritize, and pay attention. Though these skills are rarely directly taught or assessed in classrooms, they can often be the underlying factors to poor school performance. Our team develops structured, personalized programs to establish and nurture these increasingly valuable skills with students. Our coaches work with students in a one-on-one setting to help grow and develop the following skills:
- Goal Setting
- Organization
- Planning
- Time Management
- Writing Skills
- Study Skills
- Note Taking
- Initiation
- Attention
- Emotional Regulation
- Self-Evaluation

How We Help
Our Academic Coaching program helps students become more effective, productive, and independent during their academic careers. We help students set and achieve their academic goals and improve their executive functioning.
Who do we work with?
College Coaching
The college years are academically demanding, stressful, and daunting. Our college coaches work virtually or in-person with students all over the country to help empower them to become successful students. Students will learn organizational, planning, and decision-making skills that will help them succeed in college and beyond.

Throughout the year, our team offers workshops and transition to college packages that help students refine specific skills that will help them reach their academic goals. Our workshops, college prep programs, and transition packages develop executive functioning skills and prepare students for the transition from middle school to high school or from high school to college.
Check out our events page for upcoming workshops and other programing.