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Is your high school student an avid musician? Even if your student isn’t planning on studying music in a formal capacity, their dedication to music can still pay off–literally! Some colleges offer talent-based scholarships for students with significant skill and commitment to instrumental or vocal music, regardless of their intended major. These scholarships often require students to participate in university ensembles and individual lessons, so they also provide a great opportunity to continue growing as a musician.

Here are a few schools where your college-bound musician may be eligible for music-based scholarships. 

Luther College: Luther has strong music programs, with over 600 student musicians and 6 touring ensembles welcoming participation by music majors and non-majors alike. Luther offers $1,000 per year to students who participated in the all-state music festival in their home state. The Weston Noble Music Scholarships, also designed for non-majors, offer up to $7,000 per year over 4 years for students with “outstanding potential” who participate in Luther’s ensembles. 

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh: The music department at UWO offers the Karrels Instrumental Scholarship to students who are majoring in a field other than music. Students receive $8,000 per year, renewable for 4 years granted they continue to participate in lessons and an ensemble. Along with an audition video, applicants are evaluated on their goals for musical growth at UWO and beyond. 

Auburn University: Despite being known for athletics more than the performing arts, Auburn’s Department of Music offers scholarships to both music majors and non-majors. Scholarship consideration for incoming non-majors is based on applicant ability and departmental instrument and vocal needs. Amounts vary, and returning students also may be eligible for ensemble scholarships. 

Gustavus Adolphus: Gustavus believes “the arts are for everyone.” Over 1/3 of Gusties are involved in performing arts, and the course schedule has an afternoon block reserved for music rehearsals and athletic practices. Students from all majors who submit a virtual audition are considered for 4 different scholarship levels. These renewable awards range from $2,000 up to $25,000 annually for the Gustavus Premier Music Scholarship.  

Skidmore College: Skidmore has historically strong performing arts programs and 16 department ensembles. Up to 6 Filene Scholarships are awarded per year at an on-campus Competition Day. Designed to support talented musicians regardless of major, the renewable Filene Scholarships carry a tuition award of $20,000 per year plus lesson fees. 

If your student plans to continue in the performing arts while pursuing other academic interests, be sure to encourage their search for additional music scholarships!