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 “At Duquesne, it’s our responsibility and joy to help you dig into what you’re good at and discover why that’s good for the world.”

Duquesne, located in Pittsburgh, Pa., is a Catholic college, but its emphasis is on service rather than theology, and community service initiatives abound on campus and in the surrounding community. Further, Duquesne’s strongest and most popular programs are in health sciences, and its students are trained in caring professions like physical therapy, nursing, athletic training, and a variety of other fields.

Why look into Duquesne?  For one thing, its direct-entry and sometimes accelerated programs in pharmacy, physician assistant training, speech and language pathology, and many others, provide opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in the health sciences and are typically accessible for students with high-school GPAs above a 3.0.

Another major reason to take a look at Duquesne is that every admitted student is offered a merit scholarship of at least $13,000, or ⅓ of the cost of tuition. For students with strong high-school grades, that scholarship amount can be higher, and Duquesne also offers several full-scholarship opportunities.

Finally, Duquesne’s location in Pittsburgh is a selling point! The city of Pittsburgh boasts a relatively low cost of living but also provides ample social and cultural offerings. Duquesne is downtown, but the campus is in a park-like setting atop a hill, which makes it feel separate from the urban center. The location means students can easily access internships, research, job-shadowing opportunities, and more!

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