The NEW Pre-ACT ACTAdmissionsApplicationPreparing for CollegeSATSAT IISAT vs. ACTTest Prep The NEW Pre-ACT Last week, the ACT announced the addition of a new test- the “PreACT.” This all…Zach GalinMarch 29, 2016
How To Deal With College Rejections AdmissionsApplicationChoosing a CollegeCommon ApplicationEarly ActionEarly DecisionLikely LettersPreparing for CollegeUncategorizedWait List How To Deal With College Rejections Getting rejected from college is a bummer, no question about it. But being rejected from…Zach GalinMarch 16, 2016
Getting Ready to Write the College Essay AdmissionsApplicationCommon ApplicationEarly ActionEarly DecisionEssayExtracurriculars Getting Ready to Write the College Essay While college applications may seem far away, it’s never too early to start working on…Zach GalinMarch 9, 2016
Can You Research Colleges Without Visiting? AcademicsAdmissionsApplicationAthleticsChoosing a CollegeCommon ApplicationCourse SelectionEarly ActionEarly DecisionEssayExtracurricularsMajorsMinorsOnline CoursesPreparing for CollegeToursVisits Can You Research Colleges Without Visiting? Researching colleges is an important step in the application process. Students want to find schools…Zach GalinMarch 2, 2016
Attending College Abroad AdmissionsApplicationChoosing a CollegeExtracurricularsPreparing for CollegeStudent LifeSummer Attending College Abroad More students from the United States are starting to attend college abroad. Why is this…Zach GalinFebruary 24, 2016
Why You Should “Be Yourself” in Applications AdmissionsApplicationChoosing a CollegeCommon ApplicationEarly ActionEarly DecisionEssayExtracurricularsPreparing for College Why You Should “Be Yourself” in Applications College admissions officers often speak about wanting to see authenticity in college applications. What does…Zach GalinFebruary 17, 2016
Use Summer to Enhance Your College Applications AdmissionsApplicationChoosing a CollegeCommon ApplicationCourse SelectionEarly ActionEarly DecisionEssayExtracurricularsPreparing for CollegeToursVisits Use Summer to Enhance Your College Applications Though winter’s chill may make summer seem far away, it is a good idea for…Zach GalinFebruary 10, 2016
What is FAFSA? AdmissionsApplicationEarly ActionEarly DecisionFinancial AidPreparing for College What is FAFSA? In order to receive financial aid, students need to fill out the Free Application for…Zach GalinJanuary 20, 2016
Getting Past the Stress of Winter Break AdmissionsApplicationChoosing a CollegeCommon ApplicationEarly ActionEarly DecisionEssayExtracurricularsPreparing for CollegeRecommendation LettersSecond SemesterWait List Getting Past the Stress of Winter Break While the holidays are a time of happiness and reconnecting with family, as well as…Zach GalinDecember 30, 2015
High Schoolers are Busy: Time Management Strategies ApplicationCommon ApplicationEssayExtracurricularsPreparing for CollegeStudent LifeUncategorized High Schoolers are Busy: Time Management Strategies As we mentioned in an earlier blog, high school students are more over-extended and stressed…Zach GalinNovember 19, 2015