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by Liz Jackson


I sometimes tell my friends that my job as a college counselor is a little like academic match-making: By getting to know my students and understanding their strengths and their goals, and then knowing about the intricacies of different colleges, I am able to help students find the schools where they will be happy and successful. So it’s important for me–and all our counselors–to know a lot about different schools, so we can determine which students will be most successful on their campuses. Just this month, I had the chance to visit Macalester and UW-Eau Claire, and my colleague Ethan attended the Michigan State counselor fly-in program right before Thanksgiving. As a team, we are fortunate to have admissions representatives from a huge variety of colleges come speak with us during our weekly meetings.


Each time we learn about different schools, we take notes and post them to our Galin Education College Corner!  Some recent posts include:

  • St. Olaf
  • Colorado State
  • Gonzaga 
  • University of Pittsburgh


But there are many others!  Please take a look, and happy college shopping!

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