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Knox College, a small liberal arts college in Galesburg, Illinois, is part of the Colleges that Change Lives consortium, a group of schools that emphasize experiential learning and small class sizes.  Our counselors were excited to meet Knox’s regional admission officer recently and learned about what makes Knox a special place. Here are some examples:

Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion:
Knox College was founded by a group of abolitionists in 1837, and it was the first college in Illinois to educate women and people of color. Its founding as a progressive college still influences the community at Knox today, as diversity remains an important component of Knox’s mission. The college enrolls a diverse group of students, and there is a strong emphasis on learning from the varied perspectives of one’s classmates as part of a Knox education.

Innovative Calendar and Immersion Terms:
Knox is on a trimester calendar, so each school year includes three 10-week terms. This unusual calendar system provides students with flexibility and opportunities that are different from what the more traditional semester system allows. For example, Knox students have the chance to participate in “Immersion Terms,” where they study one subject in-depth and still receive credit for having taken three classes. One cool immersion term opportunity is a start-up experience, where students (often business majors) take 10 weeks to develop business plans and pitches for a start-up business.

Great Opportunities for Aspiring Writers:
Knox’s English department is one of the largest and most popular on campus, and Creative Writing, in particular, is a well-known and popular major.  Knox boasts three student literary journals, which provide exposure for student writers and ample opportunities to have writing published before graduation. 

State Flagship Tuition Match:
For students with cumulative GPAs above 3.5, Knox will match the tuition of their home state’s public flagship university. This can amount to tens of thousands of dollars of savings, and provide a small, liberal arts environment at a comparable cost to a public university. If you’re a strong student who desires small class sizes and a more intimate community without the traditional price tag of a private college, Knox may be a good fit!

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