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            By Liz Jackson

Depending on your students’ school schedule, they might be preparing for semester exams, or starting a brand new semester this week. Either way, the next few weeks are important ones for high school students in all grades. In particular, now is the ideal time to discuss courses for next year and plans for summer break.  

My colleague Leslie wrote a terrific blog last year about the importance of thoughtful course selection, and I suggest you take a look at it! It cannot be overstated how important students’ transcripts are to the college admissions process, and making careful decisions about which courses will best challenge you, help you develop important academic skills, and–maybe most importantly!–help you develop your academic passions, is an important part of your college admissions planning.

Furthermore, summer is one of the few times when students typically have some serious down time. I am personally a big fan of building in time for genuine rest and fun during summer break. But I’m also a fan of using free time productively, too!  While summer can be a great opportunity to continue their learning in certain academic subjects, it can also be a time to do something totally different!  Our counselors at Galin Education love talking to students about programs and opportunities to connect with people, communities, or academic subjects that are different from students’ daily work in their classes. If this is something you could use help with, please come meet with our counselors, and see if we can help!

And if you are starting the second semester of junior year, the college application process is about to get real.  In fact, we are looking forward to beginning the application process with the juniors in our comprehensive college counseling program, where we help students highlight their strengths and accomplishments in their applications. Think you might want to join us?  We’d love to hear from you! 

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