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     By Scott Lutostanski

Last school year was unlike any other. With students leaving school and learning going virtual, it was an interrupted and disjointed school year. Academically, most students were forced to pause, slow down, or maybe even stop their schoolwork. 

Under normal circumstances, parents would be worried about summer learning loss right now. This year, it’s like summer learning loss on steroids. Despite this harsh reality, it’s an unavoidable fact that school will go ahead this fall (one way or another). If you were a student in Algebra 1 last year, it will be expected that you have that knowledge and will be able to use it in Algebra 2 this year. The show must go on.

With that in mind, Galin Education has created Individualized Summer Refreshers. These one-on-one courses are intended to reinforce or re-teach the skills students learned or missed last year, allow them to fire up their brains for academic use, and prepare them for the upcoming school year. 

By participating in our Individualized Summer Refreshers, students will participate in customized, one-on-one work with one of our tutors. We will meet for an orientation to understand last year’s class, determine the skills they need to work on, reinforce those skills, and even pre-teach some concepts for this year’s class if there’s time. 

Many students missed hours and hours of class time and teacher interaction. We hope to refresh student’s minds and get them ready for the 2020-2021 school year. To learn more, go to www.galined.com/summer or reach out at info@galined.com.

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